Growing Healthcare Close to Home




North Valley Hospital has a very rich history. It was originally established as St. Martin's Hospital in 1938 by the Dominican Sisters of Washington. (Who had traveled from Germany to Montana in 1925.) At the time of opening, St. Martin's had the capacity of 18 beds and 10 bassinets.

Within two years the constant demand and need for care in the area called for an addition to the building expanding the capacity to 40 beds. Although this was a fix at the time, it was realized that this was not going to supply the community with the services that it needed.

In 1952 a plan for a new $620,000 hospital materialized. With the financial help of the Tonasket Hospital Association and Mr. Arthur Lund, banker,  as chairman, a new hospital was completed by the end of the year and was dedicated in March of 1953. At the time the hospital was one of the most modern small hospitals in the state of Washington. It was built for efficiency and incorporated many new features, such as piped oxygen in all the rooms and built-in suction equipment in the surgery department.  Deemed "The Building Beyond Our Time" it  was considered "a rare example of community cooperation". Many said that "it was a veritable miracle  that a community of this size could raise the money to erect such a structure". The new hospital remained connected to the original St. Martin's through an underground tunnel that is still in use today.

In 1970, the Dominican Sisters announced that the hospital was going to have to be closed for a lack of new sisters entering the order to staff the facility. By 1972, the local community voted to approve a formation of a hospital district and passed a $380,000 bond issue to purchase the hospital and nursing home, as well as a $120,000 levy for operation of the facility. There were to be three district commissioners and the name was changed to North Valley Hospital District.

In 2010 another new addition was completed to support more Emergency patients as well as providing larger rooms with private bathrooms for the comfort and safety of our Acute Care patients.

In 2020 the Verbeck Building was remodel to house the Tonasket Family Medical Clinic.


2010 Updates